Sunday, April 28, 2013

Captain America Party: The Decor

It was pretty easy coming up with decor to fit the theme: Red, White & Blue.

It's close enough to the 4th of July that this stuff started to appear in stores and I took FULL advantage. My first stop was my new favorite store: Dollar Tree (Everything's $1).

I picked up some craft paper along with some red and blue wrapping paper to cover the folding tables where the kids would be sitting.

The best part -- each roll was $1 and I had more than enough to cover all the tables. I discovered this trick with craft paper during a work event. I never knew that craft paper (and wrapping paper) fit the width of a folding table perfectly, and after you cut it to the length **TA-DA** instant table covers. 

The best part --> the kids can color on them and clean up is super easy, roll it up and throw it away. I taped them down so they don't move around. Another good advantage to using paper like this is avoiding spills that result from shifting plastic tablecloths and rowdy toddlers.

The tables decorated and ready in the garage.

I picked up some table decorations (in red, silver & blue of course) that doubled as balloon weights. I used three flag themed star balloons, and a total of 9 star shaped Mylar balloons in red, white and blue to create the center pieces for the tables. They were $1 each at Dollar Tree. 

Lastly, I used red, white and blue streamers to make the garage feel like a party room. It was the perfect space, and for $22 I think it looked pretty nice. 

The garage not only looked pretty festive, but it was perfect protection from the ran that started right at cake time.

~ Jessica

Balloon center pieces.

Treat table with favor bags and candy.

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